The employee is entitled to 6 days off per month. Per month or part
thereof the days are calculated pro rata. Individual days off may be
give onboard the ship according to the booking situation. The 72 days
for the full year (12 month) include all days off/vacations days and
public holidays according to Swiss law (52 Sundays and 9 public
holidays = 61 per year)
Pension Plan / Insurances:
The employer insures the employee according to Swiss law for:
- Old age insurance (AHV)
- Unemployment insurance (ALV)
- Industrial and non-industrial accident insurance (SUVA)
- Sickness insurance (basic insurance - ÖKK)
- Daily benefit in case of sickness
- Pension plan (BVG – if applicable)
Please consider also the following additional information:
Uniform regulation on board
Black Trousers Ladies for Service and Housekeeping personnel
Brown Shoes for Housekeeping and Massage personnel